If you are not sure where to begin, contact us for a FREE consultation. We can help you to identify the areas in your business where technology can help. We can help you with the grant application process too.
1. Check on the eligibility whether your qualify for the Government Grants.
2. To qualify for the government grant, you need to:
- Be business entity registered and operating in Singapore
- Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding
- Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project Identify the key project category your company want to apply for.
3. Identify suitable providers to support your project.
4. The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) support for consultancy-related costs must engage management consultants with Enterprise Singapore-recognised certification.
Those who do not need to be certified are:
- Members/specialists in the consultancy team who are not providing management consultancy services, but are performing dedicated functions, such as market research, audit, fieldwork, design/artwork, equipment installation and drafting of legal agreements.
- Consultants offering technical advice and expertise in the development of new technology, and solutions vendors.
5. The grant only supports projects that are new, have not commenced and not generating any revenue at the point of grant application. A project is considered to have commenced if any of the following took place before the application date: Applicant had started work Applicant had made payment to third-party, who is part of the application Applicant had signed contractual agreement with a third party, who is part of the application
6. Prepare the project proposal.
You can contact us for the project proposal templates
7. Prepare the following documents:
- Latest ACRA search or instant information (dated no earlier than 6 months from date of project application). If there are corporate shareholders, please provide the information for the corporate parents as well.
- Audited financial statements or certified management accounts for the last FY of your company and consolidated financial statements for the last FY of your ultimate parent company, if applicable.
- Relevant proof of quotation for the cost of your project items. Where applicable, Enterprise Singapore may seek clarifications on the choice of vendor and/or alternative quotation source.
- For projects where management consultants are engaged, please include the consultants’ proposal detailing the scope of work, man-day rate breakdown of the service, as well as the CVs and scanned copies of Enterprise Singapore-recognised certification(s) of each individual consultant.
8. Applicants will have to provide projected figures in the following areas arising from the implementation of the project:
- Company revenue
- Staff remuneration
- Depreciation
- Net operating profit before tax for three years’ post-project (inclusive of the year of project completion)
- Impact on workers (Singaporean/ PR) benefitting from project in the form of increased wages, job creation, job-redesign or training
9. Once you have collated all necessary documents, submit your application to Business Grant Portal (BGP). Remember to have a CorpPass account to transact with BGP.
You can refer to this page for some tips on how to prepare for the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) application Read More
You can refer to this page for Step-by-step guide on how to submit the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) application and to file the claim Read More
If you need to speak to us about FREE consultation, fill in the form below and we will call you back the next working day.